STX transforms landscapes through creative solutions, resulting in dynamic spaces that are seamlessly integrated and memorable.







Combining rich roots of Indian cultural tradition with modern-forward thinking, the dynamic identity of Hindustan Unilever’s new Mumbai Headquarters seeks to integrate into its lush gardens, elements of Indian Vastu. Striking juxtaposition of the cone entrance roof architecture and inverted landscape cone water feature brings light into the basement, while providing drama. From the Central Street, lush greens effortlessly flow from interior to exterior, unravelling the beauty of formal to organic, with landscape ‘earth-form’ fingers at North and a courtyard of well-preserved Heritage Cashew Trees at South, culminating in a terminus water wall. The swimming pool arc beside a spiral walk terminates into a mound emitting fog representing ‘ether’. Seamless integration of active, passive and contemplative spaces in the landscape design celebrates both solitude and social gatherings.